Mosman Prep delivers real clarity to families and boosts their enquiries with the Feesable Fee Calculator

January 1 2023


families assisted with fee planning


fee estimates each month


requested follow up

“…having the calculator rather than just the PDF… I think that’s a real benefit to the parents.”
– Liza Campbell, Business Manager

Mosman Prep has sought to be proactive and intentional about seeking innovative ways to engage with prospective families in order to bolster enrolments.

Located in Sydney’s Lower North Shore, Mosman Church of England Preparatory School (Mosman Prep) has a rich history of educating and equipping boys for a bright future since 1904. This vibrant learning community is dedicated to creating positive and meaningful experiences for boys during their critical early years that ignite a love of learning and life. This rich heritage and excellent reputation for quality education has always helped to set Mosman Prep apart. 


Advertising and traditional lead generation tactics isn’t enough

Like most schools, Mosman Prep employ traditional marketing activities to generate new leads, however in order to better support busy families the school sought digital strategies to complement their existing approach, and take every aspect of their marketing to a whole new level.

Business Manager, Liza Campbell says, “…just having an enquiry form (on the website), and lead generation through social media and Google, hasn’t been enough.” Advertising on Facebook and Google Ads, while useful, was not generating the quality of leads the school was looking for.


A significant decision for families

It is common for education to be one of the biggest items in a family budget, on top of many other important factors that make the choice of school such a significant decision for families.

Liza and the team are fully aware that choice of school is a significant decision, and factors like being a P-6 school offers unique challenges and requires intentional strategy. Anything to give families clarity and provide easy access to all the key information will help the school to sustain healthy enrolments.

“I definitely would recommend Feesable. Mainly as another touch point of lead generation for you as a school. But also giving parents that ability to plan and real visibility of what the fees are, rather than a PDF where they have to work it out. It just offers real clarity.”
– Liza Campbell, Business Manager

An innovative and highly effective lead generation solution

Liza was on the look out for a more reliable and cost effective way to generate enrolment enquiries and new leads for Mosman Prep. After receiving a convincing recommendation for the Feesable Fee Calculator from a peer at another school, Liza decided to give Feesable a go.


The team at Feesable setup a custom fee calculator specifically for the needs of Mosman Prep. The setup process was quick and simply involved some testing and an easy embed into the school website to get it up and running. The Fee Calculator quickly became a new source of leads and enrolment enquiries as prospective parents use the fee calculator to get a complete understanding of fees and gain useful information about the school to help work out if Mosman Prep is right for their family.

Liza recognises the need for families to plan well for this significant decision. Providing a solution to help families get a clear picture of costs so they can plan and budget well is hugely valuable. Feesable is also of particular value to those families with young children who are new to private school education to get a clear understanding of how school fees work.


The Feesable Fee Calculator also helps Mosman Prep to offer a rich, yet simple experience for families beyond what traditional methods like a PDF fee schedule can offer. This immediately sets the school apart, demonstrates that the school is keen to assist from the outset with clear information, and ultimately helps to generate trust.


More enquiries and better insights

Since adding the Feesable Fee Calculator to their website, Mosman Prep have seen a genuine increase in the number of enrolment enquiries coming through. Not only that, the school has valued knowing that people are using the Fee Calculator even if not sending an enquiry.

Even without the enquiry, this data is useful as it gives a good indication of activity and level of engagement on the website and broad interest in the school.

More clarity for families to help them plan

For Mosman Prep, the clarity and visibility around fees provided through Feesable has been hugely valuable in helping families make the significant decision about choice of school, and to establish trust from the outset of the relationship. For some families who are simply researching, Feesable offers the vital fee information they need to plan and assess if Mosman Prep is right for their budget. For those families who are genuinely interested, Feesable provides a simple way to enquire, providing valuable lead information for Liza and the enrolments team to follow up.

“I do think having the calculator rather than just the PDF gives you a real indication of okay, I have to pay the school fees, but I also have an enrolment fee and an application fee, and it’s really clear as to what you’re in for. I think that’s a real benefit to the parents.”
– Liza Campbell, Business Manager

Get started with Feesable