We are excited to release an update to the way the Feesable Fee Calculator is installed on your school website. Traditionally we have used the iframe embed method which is a reliable and popular way to install an app on a website, however it also comes with a few limitations. Hence, we have now upgraded to a direct injection of the app which is more efficient and seamless with your school website.
What’s Different?
This new installation method does not change the core functionality of the Fee Calculator – it simply changes the way it is added to your website. It also brings with it a number of benefits such as:
- More seamlessly integrated with your website.
- More flexible layout handling – the app will now dynamically adjust height, meaning no ‘internal scrolling’ or redundant white space. This means more flexibility to add the calculator anywhere on a webpage.
- Opportunity for deeper analytics and event tracking (using Google Analytics or similar) – more to come on this soon.
- More configuration options – see instructions link below for more on this.
- A WordPress Plugin – read more below.
The new install method may impact the appearance, or styling of the Fee Calculator. This is due to the fact that it inherits some styling from your website, which is good as it will look even more a part of your site. In some cases, the inherited styles can conflict, but this is easily fixed with a few minor styling updates. When you update to the new embed method, you will need your schoolID code, so please reach out to [email protected] and we will support you through the update and make sure all is looking perfect!
WordPress Plugin
With this update we are excited to release a WordPress Plugin to make it simple for those schools who use the popular WordPress CMS. This is available now, and we will be adding more rich functionality to this in the future. Learn more and how to access the plugin on the installation link below.

How to update?
For current customers, it is simple to upgrade to this new installation method. Simply replace the existing iframe code on your website with the new code. Read the installation instructions on the link below to learn more, and get in touch with us at [email protected] to get your unique schoolID, or with any questions.
Do I need to update?
No, current customers using the iframe method do not need to update to the new method. The iframe method will continue to work well, and be supported for now. The new direct injection model will be the default method and as such may include additional features in the future which may not be available via iframe – so it is recommended to update to the new method as soon as possible.