The new Payment Information feature allows schools to display key payment information directly within the Fee Calculator. This information, presented at the exact time families are thinking about fees and how to afford or pay for these fees, is vital to assist parents in their decision making process as they consider the education options for their children.
This information is displayed on the Fee Estimate Results page, with a new ‘PAYMENT INFORMATION’ button which opens a modal to display the information.
With various options to display information including accordion, icons, buttons and text blocks., schools can choose to display as much or as little information on these screens in order to give parents assurance as they research schools.
Feesable is also proud to partner with various payment providers and solutions to make it simple for schools to communicate the payment information. Stay tuned for deeper integrations with these partners in the future.

To add this feature to your Fee Calculator and provide an even richer experience for prospective families looking at your fees, simply get in touch with us at [email protected].