As the year rolls on, here at Feesable we continue to push forward with new feature development for our School Fee Calculator. Here is a quick update on the latest with Feesable product updates and releases.
New! Optional Discounts
For those schools that have optional discounts available to families, we now have a new feature that will allow you to include these in your fee estimates. This discount can be applied to the whole family, or per student depending on how the discount works. Use cases might be for staff discounts, state government school card discounts, ministry discounts and more.
The natural next step from this new feature is to enable you as a school to be able to send a unique link to a family with exclusive discounts or offers – such as a fee estimate with scholarship discount, or other special discounts that you don’t necessarily wish to be available to everyone. We will let you know once this next feature is available!

New-ish! Payment Information Display
We recently released a new feature which enriches the experience for parents and families, and further enables schools to deliver more useful and relevant information to families.
The Payment Information feature allows schools to display key payment information directly within the Fee Calculator. This information, presented at the exact time families are thinking about fees and how to afford or pay for these fees, is vital to assist parents in their decision making process as they consider the education options for their children.
Learn more about this feature and how to add it to your fee calculator.

*Reminder – Installation Update
A few months back we also rolled out an update to the way the Feesable Fee Calculator is installed on your school website. The new method is more efficient and seamless with your school website, and overcomes some of the limitations of the traditional iframe embed.
This new installation method does not change the core functionality of the Fee Calculator – it simply changes the way it is added to your website. It also brings with it a number of benefits including native data in your Google Analytics reporting – read the support article for more information.
For current customers, we encourage you to update in order to take advantage of the benefits – learn more about how to update – however the current iframe embed method will still work should you choose not to update immediately.
WIP – Administration Portal
The Feesable Admin Portal has been coming for a while now (trust us, we know!) – so we genuinely appreciate your ongoing patience as we create a meaningful portal that surfaces your data, and moving forward will bring more detailed reporting, configuration options and other rich features. We will have further updates on this exciting release very soon.

In the pipeline:
We have many other new features under development and on the roadmap – here are a few highlights of what is to come in 2023 and beyond…
- CPI on future fees – this will soon roll out as default, and will be able to be configured to any % increase, or switched off.
- Open in modal/Lightbox – soon we will have the option available to simply add a button on your website which will open a modal/lightbox that hold the fee calculator – this provides greater flexibility to your choice of installing the calculator.
- Email Digests – we are working on creating an email digest feature which will allow you to receive daily, weekly or monthly ‘digests’ of your fee enquiries.
- Pro-rata Features – the ability for parents to view fees from a certain point within a year to see the pro-rata fees.
- Parent Survey Features – we are working towards this value-add feature which will allow a school to ask simple follow up questions such as sentiment towards your fees or other important enrolment touch points.
- Detailed Reporting – the dashboard will allow for reporting of various data points from your fee calculator and parent surveys which will help you to make better decisions about your enrolment strategies.
- Key Integrations – connecting key systems in your edtech stack to Feesable will unlock some valuable solutions and process efficiencies.
- and more to come…
Thanks for reading! If you have any feature requests, or even ideas to discuss, we are always keen to listen – so please get in touch.